Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Day #9

Chug, chug, chugging along.  Here's today's writing prompt:

Write a protest song.  What are you protesting?  Anything you feel passionate about, that's what!  Serious, funny, or sad, write about something that makes you want to pump your fists and take to the streets!

Welcome to our new followers -- we're up to almost 100 likes on Facebook!

I'm going to make another post later in the day with our featured artist, so I can be sure to listen to all you late night songwriters out there.

Have a musical day, y'all! 


  1. Dam, wish I'd done this now...Here's a track I could have put in for this prompt

  2. Very cool...thanks for sharing! And you can always join in! There are no rules here.
