Friday, May 3, 2013

NaSoWriMo -- Day 3

Hello songwriters!

We hope you're all enjoying the challenge so far. If you haven't already, check out the SoundCloud group for participants.

It's a great way to sample everyone's work and share comments. Last year, we were in awe of the wonderful community that emerged between participants. So share the love if you can!

Throughout the month, we will be featuring NaSoWriMo participant songs here on the blog. So stay tuned!

Today's prompt is one we used last year and we'd love to see some of you take another shot at it:

Write a song using only household objects as instruments.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. May the fourth be with you :) I just wrote my star wars song- will be recording soon and uploading hahahahaha thank you for the prompts and running the blog!
